Resolution No. 1 - Prepare Plans and Specifications for the Proposed Hollywood Drive Improvements - Special Assessment Project, and Appropriate $200,000.00 from the General Fund Balance for the Design of the Project (8 Votes Required)
Approval of the attached resolution directs staff to prepare plans, specifications, and cost estimates to pave Hollywood Drive from Maple Road to Allison Drive as a special assessment project.
Hollywood Drive is currently a gravel road. In May of 2017, approximately 60% of the adjacent property owners submitted a petition to the City requesting that the City begin the design and special assessment process to pave the street (see attached petition and the City’s response letter). This prompted Staff to include the project in the FY20-25 Capital Improvements Plan (Project Numbers TR-NS-20-01 & UT-ST-20-02).
Paving the road has several benefits including a long- term reduction in maintenance costs, better control of stormwater runoff and stormwater quality, a reduction in dust, and an improved the driving surface. Long term, pavement will provide an improved experience to road users and will cost less to maintain.
The proposed project includes installing:
• The road and base;
• A permanent asphalt surface;
• Curbs & gutters to control storm runoff;
• Storm infrastructure elements per the City’s Green Streets Policy; and,
• Sidewalks in accordance with the City’s Complete Streets Policy.
It is uncertain whether permanent easements may be necessary to construct the roadway. However, the construction will likely require the removal of some trees and necessitate temporary grading easements.
The City Code provides that the cost for first time paving of a road is borne by the parcels that benefit from it. A preliminary planning-level cost estimate performed by City staff estimates the cost of the project to be approximately $935,000.00, not all of which would be assessed. The attached resolution directs staff to provide and share cost estimates for this work once it is designed, and establish the composition of the special assessment district.
If authorized to undertake this work, staff will reach out to affected residents and stakeholders to conduct a thorough public engagement effort. Following those meetings and further development of the engineering design, staff will return to Council with Resolutions 2 and 3, which define the individual costs to each parcel and establish a Public Hearing Date.
Budget Impacts: While the road elements of this project will ultimately be paid through special assessment, the City must fund the cost of designing and constructing the project until the assessed amounts are recovered. The attached resolution appropriates $200,000.00 from the General Fund balance to fund the design and public engagement for the road paving portion of the project. Should the project advance to the construction phase, another appropriation from the General Fund balance will necessary for that phase of the project.
Since the project area is already served by storm sewer, residents will not be assessed for storm improvements. Design and construction for storm improvements to meet the City’s Green Streets Policy will be funded by the City’s Stormwater Fund.
Prepared by: Nicholas Hutchinson, P.E., City Engineer
Reviewed by: Craig Hupy, Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, Council deems it appropriate to acquire and construct the Hollywood Drive Improvements, which will consist of:
The paving of Hollywood Drive from North Maple Road to Allison Drive, including the installation of sidewalk, curb & gutter, and stormwater infrastructure;
RESOLVED, The City Administrator be directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement project, and an estimate of the cost thereof;
RESOLVED, City Council appropriates $200,000.00 from the General Fund to fund the design and public engagement for the road paving portion of the said project;
RESOLED, That the funding shall remain available without regard to fiscal year;
RESOLVED, The City Administrator be directed to file a report of same with the City Clerk, including a recommendation as to what proportion of the cost should be paid by special assessment and what part, if any, should be a general obligation of the City, the number of installments in which the assessments may be paid, and the land which should be included in the special assessment district; and
RESOLVED, The City Clerk shall present said report to the Council and make it available for public examination.