Resolution to Negotiate Potential Purchase of “Canoe Fan” Artwork Installation in Gallup Park
Whereas, In 2015, the City participated in the Canoe Imagine Art Program which installed several artworks in City Parks;
Whereas, All artwork except “Canoe Fan” are owned by the City, and the City entered into a loan agreement with the “Canoe Fan” artist which will expire on May 30, 2019;
Whereas, It had been hoped that the artist would find a buyer for the piece who would then subsequently donate it to the City but this has not occurred;
Whereas, The “Canoe Fan” artwork has been offered for sale to the City for $45,000;
Whereas, City Council believes that this artwork, because it is installed in a highly visible and publicly accessible location, is a positive enhancement to the Gallup Park landscape and has been enjoyed for many years by Ann Arbor residents; and
Whereas, The FY19 budget does not include funding for the purchase, although on February 19th, 2019 City Council approved inclusion of public art projects in the Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) that now total over 20 projects at a cost in excess of $2 Million;
RESOLVED, That City Council directs the City Administrator to enter into negotiations with the “Canoe Fan” artist to potentially purchase the artwork, and prepare a proposal for Council consideration that includes identification of a recommended funding source for the May 20th City Council meeting.
Sponsored by: Councilmembers Lumm, Ramlawi, Eaton, and Mayor Taylor