An Ordinance to Amend Section 5.15 (Table 5-15) and Section 5.16.6 of Chapter 55 (Unified Development Code) of Title V of the Code of the City of Ann Arbor (Accessory Dwelling Units)
On August 4, 2016, the City Council adopted Ordinance 16-16, which amended the Zoning Ordinance to convert Accessory Apartments into Accessory Dwelling Units and create additional standards regulating there placement in the City. Component to this ordinance was the establishment of ADUs as an Accessory use in the R1A through R1E Zoning Districts.
To date, realization of such units in the City has been minimal, and the City Council directed the City Administrator and Planning Commission to consider amendments to the Unified Development Code to eliminate restrictions on detached ADUs, and to consider additional amendments to further the realization of such units.
Upon this direction, the Planning Commission Ordinance Revisions Committee and full Planning Commission, via Working Session discussion has assembled the following recommended amendments to the Unified Development Code. The amendments reflect the following changes to regulation of ADUs:
? Addition of more zoning districts where ADUs are allowed. The proposed amendments add the option to all residential zoning districts, excepting R6 Mobile Home Parks. The addition of ADUs to other zoning districts does not eliminate the requirement of any location being an owner-occupied single-family property.
? Amend the requirements that previously limited detached ADUs on those properties that had an existing accessory structure prior to December 31, 2016. The amendments allow a detached ADU in any legally conforming detached accessory structure.
? Removal of requirement that any new entrance be located on the side or rear of a structure.
? Removal of minimum 5,000 square feet lot size requirement.
? Reordering of the requirements into more logical groupings
Other proposed amendments were discussed by the Planning Co...
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