Resolution to Approve the 2019 Ann Arbor Jaycees Summer Carnival at Pioneer High School - June 17 to June 24, 2019
Attached for your consideration is a resolution to approve the 2019 Ann Arbor Jaycees Carnival to be held at Pioneer High School from Monday, June 17 to Monday, June 24, 2019 with the additional days to be used for event setup and cleanup. The actual event will take place June 19-June 23, 2019.
In addition to Police/security presence to minimize the potential for serious problems, the sponsor has agreed to:
* Provide fencing similar to that used in 2018 that limits multiple access/egress points in and out of the carnival area. Access/egress points to be staffed by Jaycee members in addition to carnival staff.
* Restrict access to fair grounds two hours prior to closing to only "paid admission" patrons.
* Deny access to fair grounds one hour prior to closing to "new" patrons.
* Place "No loitering" signs in parking areas.
Proposed hours of operation for 2019 are:
Wednesday, June 19 4:00 - 11:00 PM
Thursday, June 20 4:00 - 11:00 PM
Friday, June 21 4:00 - 12:00 AM
Saturday, June 22 Noon - 12:00 AM
Sunday, June 23 Noon - 9:00 PM
The Jaycees will contract with a private security company to reduce the number of Ann Arbor Police personnel required, at levels determined by Police.
The event has been coordinated with all relevant City service areas for the purposes of traffic control and for the protection of the health and safety of the participants and the general public.
Pursuant to Chapter 88, Section 7:334 of the City Code, City Council approval is required for this event. In addition, the conditions under which permission is granted are required to be established by Council resolution. Included in the first resolved clause of the resolution is a list of requirements established by Council in previous years for this event.
The sponsor agrees to obtain all necessary permits, to provide evidenc...
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