Resolution to Approve Street Closing for The Event on Main - Thursday, June 20 - Friday June 21, 2019
Attached for your consideration is a resolution to approve the closing of S. Main Street between William Street and Liberty Street from 6:00 A.M. on Thursday, June 20, 2019 to 2:00 A.M. on Friday, June 21, 2019 to stage The Event on Main.
This event is in its 10th year of a multi-year endeavor sponsored by the University of Michigan Health System's Office of Medical Development. The initial goal was to raise $1,000,000 over three years to support the construction of the new University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children's and Women's Hospital at the University of Michigan Health System. The new Hospital opened in December of 2011 and provides highly specialized care to more women and children, and will enhance groundbreaking research. This continued endeavor is raising funds for the further advancements in the care given to the hospital's patients.
The 2019 event for ticketed guests, scheduled for 6:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M., will consist of hors d'oeuvers, desserts and cocktails in the "Main Stage" tent located on Main Street near William, dinner served inside Gratzi, the Chop House and Real Seafood, followed by a concert by top entertainers on the "Main Stage". Plans are to also provide family-friendly free entertainment and activities for the public on Main Street near Liberty. A live band will perform music from approximately 8:45 P.M. to 10:45 P.M.
The sponsor agrees to obtain all necessary permits, to provide evidence of proper liability insurance as required, to comply with all City regulations governing the use of the streets and will reimburse the City for all event expenses.
Notification of the street closings will be provided through Main Street Ventures, the City's website, GovDelivery, press releases and the University of Michigan Communications Office.
Prepared by: Debra Williams, Office Manager
Reviewed by: Derek Delacourt,...
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