Resolution to Approve Amendment No. 2 to Extend the Professional Services Agreement with Tetra Tech of Michigan, PC, for Water Treatment Professional Engineering Services ($200,000.00)
This memorandum and resolution requests approval of Amendment No. 2 to the professional services agreement for professional engineering services with Tetra Tech. Council approved a professional services agreement for $200,000.00 through FY 19 with Tetra Tech in July 2016 as part of Resolution No. R-16-214, and Amendment No. 2 in July 2017 as part of Resolution No. R-17-275 for $100,000.00.
The City is seeking to amend the professional services agreement with Tetra Tech to accommodate additional professional engineering service needs and extend the existing contract for an additional year, through FY20. The original task-based contract was effective FY17 through FY19. Tetra Tech is currently supporting Public Services on numerous projects within the Water Treatment Services Unit. As of the end of FY19, Tetra Tech has completed several projects, including East High Service Pump VFD Construction, South Industrial Tank Coating Design/Bid/Construction, Lime Residuals Lagoon Dredging Design/Bid and Northeast Pressure District Transient Modeling. Tetra Tech has demonstrated themselves to be experienced in a wide range of disciplines, responsive and cost effective in meeting those diverse needs on complex engineering tasks associated with the WTSU.
Additional professional engineering services are required to support the Water Treatment Services Unit (WTSU) with capital, operation, and maintenance projects at the Water Treatment Plant and associated facilities, dams, and hydroelectric generating stations and maintain the aggressive capital improvement project schedule through FY20. The requested amount was determined based on forecasted engineering services needs and work assignments.
Based on the ongoing capital needs, it is recommended that City Council approve...
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