Resolution to Amend the Purchase Order to Boone & Darr Inc. for On-Call Mechanical Services (Not to Exceed $120,000.00)
In August 2018, City Council approved Resolution #18-316 approving a two year contract with Boone & Darr Inc. to provide on-call mechanical (HVAC and plumbing) services at various City facilities. The approval authorized the issuance of a purchase order in an amount not to exceed $90,000.00 per year for FY19 and FY20, subject to the availability of funding in FY20.
Staff has identified some significant additional mechanical system repairs for FY19 which will cause us to exceed the authorized $90,000.00. The identified work includes the replacement of a primary cooling coil on one of the Justice Center rooftop units. The cooling coil must be installed this spring to maintain cooling capacity for the upcoming summer season. The large replacement copper coil is nearly $20,000.00 just for the parts. Repairs to other rooftop units will also be necessary this spring. Additional cooling coil replacements may become necessary in the near future as well.
A $60,000.00 annual increase to the authorized PO amount, bringing the total PO amount to $150,000.00 annually for FY19 and FY20 is requested to address known repairs for FY19 and anticipated repairs for FY20. FY20 would be subject to available funding.
Boone & Darr Inc. complies with the City's Conflict of Interest, Living Wage, Prevailing Wage and Non-Discrimination ordinance requirements.
Budget and Fiscal Impact: Funding for these services are included in the FY19 Operations and Maintenance Budgets of the Units receiving services. Issuance of the FY20 purchase order would be subject to the availability of funds from those same sources.
Prepared by: Matthew J. Kulhanek, Fleet & Facilities Unit Manager
Reviewed by: John Fournier, Assistant City Administrator
Approved by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, The City has approved a contract wi...
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