Resolution No. 1 - Prepare Plans and Specifications for the Proposed 1425 Pontiac Single Lot Special Assessment District #54 for the Argo Sidewalk Gap Project
Approval of the attached resolution directs staff to prepare plans, specifications, and cost estimates to fill the sidewalk gap along the south side of Argo Drive from Pontiac Trail to Beckley Park as a special assessment project. See the attached map for information of the location of the sidewalk gaps to be filled as part of this project.
The City of Ann Arbor is replacing a water main in the Longshore, Indianola, Ottawa, Argo, and Amherst neighborhood. While designing that project, staff considered filling sidewalk gaps within the project area. The gap along Argo Drive ranks in the top 15% of sidewalk gaps in the City. Filling the gap would connect Pontiac Trail to Beckley Park, bring non-motorized connectivity to public transit, schools, and public parks, decrease pedestrian-vehicle interactions, and create a better walking environment.
Chapter 13 of City Code provides that the cost of adding new sidewalks shall be borne by the parcels benefitting from them. The attached resolution is presented for Council approval to begin design of the project as a special assessment project.
The attached resolution directs staff to provide and share cost estimates for this work once designed. One parcel has been identified as being part of the Special Assessment District #54. The City Parks Department is accounting for the cost of the sidewalk adjacent to Beckley Park in their FY20 budget.
If authorized to undertake this work as a special assessment project, staff will meet with the affected property owners to describe the project and its associated costs. Following that meeting, staff will return to Council with Resolution 2, which will define the estimated individual cost to the parcel.
Below is a tentative schedule:
April 15, 2019: Council Meeting - Resolution 1
May 2019: Meeting with Property Owner
June 3, 2019: Council Meeting - Resolution 2
June 17, 2019: Council Meeting - Resolution 3
July 15, 2019: Public Hearing & Resolution 4
Budget Impact: The new sidewalk installed will be funded by the City of Ann Arbor Parks Department and through Special Assessment District #54, which includes a single parcel at 1425 Pontiac Trail.
Prepared by: Nicholas Hutchinson, P.E., City Engineer
Reviewed by: Craig Hupy, Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, Filling the sidewalk gap along the south side of Argo Drive from Pontiac Trail to Beckley Park would connect Pontiac Trail to Beckley Park, bring non-motorized connectivity to public transit, schools, and public parks, decrease the number of pedestrian-vehicle interactions, and create a better walking environment; and
Whereas, Council deems it appropriate to construct the 1425 Pontiac Single Lot Special Assessment Sidewalk Gap Project as part of the Longshore, Indianola, Ottawa, Argo, Amherst Water Main Project, described as:
Construction of sidewalks fronting parcels along the south side of Argo Drive from Pontiac Trail to the existing entrance to Beckley Park.
RESOLVED, The City Administrator be directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement project, and an estimate of the cost thereof;
RESOLVED, The City Administrator be directed to file a report of same with the City Clerk, including a recommendation as to what proportion of the cost should be paid by special assessment and what part, if any, should be a general obligation of the City, the number of installments in which the assessments may be paid, and the land which should be included in the special assessment district; and
RESOLVED, The City Clerk shall present said report to the Council and make it available for public examination.