Resolution to Award Contract for the WTP Ammonia Feed System Modifications Project to Goyette Mechanical Co. ($195,850.00)
This memorandum and resolution requests approval to award a contract to Goyette Mechanical Co. for the WTP Ammonia Feed System Modifications Project ($195,850.00).
The Water Treatment Plant (WTP) utilizes chloramination for the purposes of maintaining EPA Surface Water Treatment Rules for distribution system disinfection residual compliance. The chloramination process involves feeding sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and ammonia at specific ratios to create monochloramine in WTP effluent prior to entering the distribution system.
The existing ammonia feed equipment is 22 years old and has reached the end of its service life. Additionally, there is currently no way to accurately monitor the ammonia flow to the two separate feed points. WTP staff have reported on-going issues with ammonia pipe leaks. The new ammonia feed equipment will improve safety, accuracy in dosing, allow for remote feed rate adjustment from the WTP control room and monitoring of ammonia flow to each clearwell, as well as include capabilities to program automatic rate adjustments based on plant flow or NaOCl feed rate in the future. The new piping will be designed to eliminate concerns with transferring ammonia between tanks.
The scope of work for this project includes the demolition of existing pipe and feed equipment, installation of new piping and feed equipment, startup and testing of new ammonia feed equipment, as well as associated electrical and controls modifications.
On March 8, 2019, the City received the following two (2) bids:
Bidder Base Bid
Erie Welding and Mechanical $284,590.00
Goyette Mechanical Co. $195,850.00
Goyette Mechanical Co. is the lowest responsible bidder.
Since Goyette Mechanical Co. submitted the lowest responsible bid in the amount of $195,850.00, it...
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