Resolution to Adopt Final Project Plan for the Water Treatment Plant UV Disinfection System Project and Designate an Authorized Project Representative
This memorandum and resolution requests adoption of the final Project Plan for the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) UV Disinfection System Project and designates Craig Hupy, the City of Ann Arbor's Public Services Area Administrator, as the Authorized Project Representative. A Project Plan is the first step in applying to the State for a Drinking Water Revolving Fund Loan.
The Project Plan, prepared by LG Design, Inc. followed notification to the City from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) in June 2017 that the drinking water supply contained levels of Cryptosporidium (a waterborne parasite), which requires additional protection to comply with the EPA Long-term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (LT2) drinking-water regulations. MDEQ stated that compliance for treatment was required by June 2020.
After notification, the City hired LG Design, Inc. to evaluate compliance alternatives. LG Design, Inc. recommends ultraviolet (UV) light disinfection. In 2018, the City hired LG Design, Inc. to develop the conceptual design of the interim UV system, which was approved by MDEQ, and to prepare detailed design and construction documents for the UV Disinfection System.
The Project Plan compiles the study and design phase efforts and provides background on the WTP and evaluated alternative approaches to meeting Cryptosporidium regulations. The selected alternative of the Project Plan recommended the construction of the WTP UV Disinfection System Project.
A Drinking Water Revolving Fund Loan will provide the City with a lower than market interest loan and extend the repayment period for this debt, providing cash flow relief in the near-term.
It is therefore recommended that City Council approve formal adoption of the final Project Plan for the WTP UV Disinfection System ...
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