Resolution to Approve a Construction Contract with M-K Construction Company, Inc. for the Southside Interceptor Sanitary Diversion Project ($1,245,166.64)
Attached for your approval please find a resolution that approves a construction contract with M-K Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of $1,245,166.64 for the Southside Interceptor Sanitary Diversion Project.
Project Description
The Project will construct a cast-in-place sanitary sewer diversion chamber under Fuller Street across from Glen Court to divert approximately 11 cubic feet per second from the existing Southside Interceptor Sewer into the Northside Interceptor Sewer to reduce the likelihood of overflows during large rain events. This will provide for the desired current level of flow diversion and allow for the diversion of additional sanitary sewer flow in the future should it become necessary.
Engineering had plans and contract documents prepared, and bid the project through standard City procedures. Three bids were received and M-K Construction Company, Inc. was the lowest responsible bidder. The following is the tabulation of the bids received:
M-K Construction Company, Inc. $1,245,166.64
Pamar Enterprises, Inc. $1,248,048.33
E.T. MacKenzie Company, Inc. $1,649,975.00
The winning bid was 84.7% above the Engineer's Estimate of $673,698.25. Engineering believes the discrepancy arises from the Project's difficulty, including its location along the MDOT railroad right-of-way on a very steep slope, the significant depths associated with the proposed work, and the limited working area available. Consequently, staff recommends awarding this contract to M-K Construction Company, Inc. based on the bids received and the likelihood that re-bidding the project will not result in a significant reduction in costs and will postpone the project to next construction season.
Construction is expected to start on May 6, 2019 after University commencement exercises. The ...
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