Resolution No. 3 Establishing a Public Hearing on May 20, 2019 for the Northside STEAM Safe Routes to School Sidewalk Gap Special Assessment Project
Attached for your review and approval is Resolution No. 3 establishing the date for the Public Hearing on the Northside STEAM Safe Routes to School Sidewalk Gap Special Assessment Project; Sidewalk Special Assessment District No. 51, File No. 18-1749.
The improvement includes constructing a new sidewalk along both sides of Traver Street between John A Woods Drive and Barton Drive, also along the south side of John A Woods Drive between Pontiac Street and Pear Street, also along the north side of Barton Drive west of Starwick Drive, also along the west side of Starwick Drive north of Barton Drive, and along portions of both sides of Brookside Drive between Delafield Drive and Pontiac Trail.
Adoption of this resolution does not make the assessment. It merely sets a date for Public Hearing, after which Council can vote on the assessment. Staff recommends proceeding with a public hearing regardless of whether Council will ultimately impose the assessment.
Prepared by: Mark Perry, City Assessor
Reviewed by: Betsy Blake, Senior Assistant City Attorney
Tom Crawford, Financial Services Area Administrator and CFO
Approved by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, The City Council had directed the City Assessor to prepare a Special Assessment Roll for the purpose of defraying that part of the cost of the following described public improvement to be defrayed by Special Assessment: Construction of a new sidewalk system along both sides of Traver Street between John A Woods Drive and Barton Drive, also along the south side of John A Woods Drive between Pontiac Street and Pear Street, also along the north side of Barton Drive west of Starwick Drive, also along the west side of Starwick Drive north of Barton Drive, and along portions of both sides of Brookside Drive between Del...
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