Resolution to Amend the Old West Side Residential Parking District - West Mosley Street and Appropriate General Fund Unobligated Fund Balance ($1,000.00) (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your review and approval is a resolution to amend the Old West Side Residential Parking District to include parcels on a portion of West Mosley Street; from 309 West Mosley Street through 415 West Mosley Street.
Streets or sections of street currently signed for "no parking" or other restrictions will remain the same. The inclusion of a street signed for "no parking" in the District allows residents fronting that street to be eligible to participate, obtain a permit and park on another RPP Designated street within the Old West Side RPP District.
Funding for the required signage installation was not included in the 2019 General Fund Operating Budget; therefore, it is necessary to appropriate the funding for the work. The estimate for the cost of signage installation is $1,000.00. An annual increase in residential parking permit revenue is estimated to be $450.000.
Prepared by: Raymond Hess, Transportation Manager
Reviewed by: Craig Hupy, Public Services Area Administrator
Whereas, The Old West Side Association worked with their Councilmembers to create a Residential Parking Permit District;
Whereas, During the establishment of the Old West Side Parking District the unique residential character of the area and proximity to downtown was recognized;
Whereas, West Mosley Street is located within the Old West Side Association (OWS) in a neighborhood that has seen significant growth since the establishment of the OWS Association;
Whereas, While there is parking along West Mosley St., the residents are experiencing difficulty in parking on West Mosley St. due to increased demand for the on-street parking in this area;
Whereas, The Old West Side Association received support in amending the Residential Parking District to add parcels on West ...
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