Resolution Accepting Annual Renewal Recommendations of the Council Liquor License Review Committee and Setting Hearings for Non-Renewal of Liquor Licenses
The Council Liquor License Review Committee has completed its annual review process required by Chapter 109 of the Ann Arbor City Code of all on-premises liquor licenses in the City of Ann Arbor.
The attached resolution requests acceptance of the Recommendations of the Council Liquor License Review Committee on setting hearings for non-renewal for the following liquor license holders:
* Liquor License No. L-000001141 - 2018 Class C held by Ashley's Restaurants, Ltd. (d/b/a Ashley's Restaurant) for outstanding personal property tax due and payable to the City as of the date of the Annual Review (Section 9.79(b) Ann Arbor City Code)
* Liquor License No. L-000005492 - 2018 Class C held by Banfield A.C., Inc. (d/b/a Banfield Bar and Grill) for outstanding personal property tax due and payable to the City as of the date of the Annual Review (Section 9.79(b) Ann Arbor City Code)
The Committee recommends all other on-premises liquor licenses be renewed for the current annual renewal period.
Prepared by: Jacqueline Beaudry, City Clerk
Reviewed by: Kristen Larcom, Senior Assistant City Attorney
Sponsored by: Council Liquor License Review Committee
Whereas, The Annual Liquor License Renewal process, including any hearing on the question of non-renewal, must be completed before March 31, 2019;
Whereas, The Council Liquor License Review Committee has completed its annual review of on-premises liquor licenses in accordance with Section 9:79 of the Ann Arbor City Code;
Whereas, After investigation and receipt of recommendation from City service areas, the Council Liquor License Review Committee recommends non-renewal of the on-premises liquor licenses for the following license holders:
* Liquor License No. L-000001141 - 2018 Class C held by Ashley's Restaurants, Ltd. (d/b/a Ashley'...
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