Resolution to Approve Change Order No. 3 with Strawser Construction, Inc. for the 2017 Street Surface Treatment Project (ITB No. 4478; $43,029.76)
Attached for your review and consideration for approval, please find a final change order to the construction contract with Strawser Construction, Inc in the amount of $43,029.76 for the 2017 Street Surface Treatment Project. This final modification balances the final quantities for any/all contract pay items not previously addressed, and includes the addition of three (3) new/extra pavement marking items, which allowed the completion of the longitudinal permanent pavement marking work immediately after placement of the various major street surface treatments, and eliminated the need to place temporary markings and/or other devices to open those streets to traffic.
Budget Impact
The current City of Ann Arbor Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) includes the Annual Capital Preventative Maintenance Program, which comprises this project and one for crack sealing streets citywide. These projects coupled with that for the Annual Street Resurfacing Program are vital to the continued improvement of the City's street network. Funding for this change order is available in the existing project budget.
On July 17, 2017, City Council approved a resolution (R-17-276) to award a construction contract to Strawser Construction, Inc. for $3,900,794.97 including a $390,100.00 contingency. Change Order No. 1 authorized an additional $100,000.00 from the FY2018 Local Street Fund operations and maintenance budget for asphalt-patching work on the minor (local) street network to address areas of deteriorated pavement resulting from the harsh weather conditions experienced over the 2017-18 winter season, and increased the authorized contract amount to $4,000,794.97. Change Order No. 2 utilized the $390,100.00 contingency for additional asphalt-patching and other project related work on the major street network, and increased ...
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