Resolution to Recommend Approval of a Construction Contract with Brock & Associates, Inc. for the Riverside Park Boardwalk Replacement Project ($189,500.00, ITB No. 4544)
Attached for your review is a resolution to recommend approval of a $189,500.00 construction contract between Brock & Associates, Inc. and the City of Ann Arbor for the Riverside Park Boardwalk Replacement Project.
Budget/Fiscal Impact
Funding is available in the approved FY2019 Park Maintenance and Capital Improvement Millage budget.
Project Description
This project will remove and replace the existing boardwalk in Riverside Park along the Border to Border Trail that connects to the Argo Cascades. Past inspections of this boardwalk identified severe corrosion of the steel support structure and recommended replacement of the entire boardwalk. The City's 2016-2020 Parks and Open Space Plan included the need to replace the existing structure.
The new boardwalk will be installed along the same alignment and construction is planned to minimize impacts to the adjacent Huron River. The new boardwalk installation will take place during winter 2019 and reopen for pedestrian traffic by spring 2019.
The project meets multiple sustainability goals:
* Active living and learning.
* Safe Community
* Transportation Options
* Clean Air and Water
* Energy Conservation
The contract documents for the project were bid through the City's Procurement Unit following standard procedures. Four bids were received and opened on October 9, 2018. The lowest responsible bid, from Brock & Associates, Inc., in the amount of $189,500.00 is approximately 4% below the Engineer's Estimate. Attached is a tabulation of the bids received for the project.
Staff is recommending award of a contract to Brock & Associates, Inc. for $189,500.00 to for the Riverside Park Boardwalk Replacement Project. A 10% construction contingency ($18,950.00) is requested to cover potential contract change orders to be approve...
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