Resolution to Authorize a Professional Services Agreements with Orchard, Hiltz & McCliment, Inc. (OHM) for the Lower Town Area Mobility Study (RFP No. 18-21) ($579,478.00) and Appropriate Funding from the Major Street Fund Balance ($649,478.00) (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your review and consideration for approval is a resolution authorizing a Professional Services Agreements with Orchard, Hiltz & McCliment, Inc. (OHM), for up to $579,478.00 for the Lower Town Area Mobility Study. The total requested budget amendment of $649,478.00 includes a $70,000.00 contingency for the agreement.
Development in the northern areas of the City can reasonably be expected to add demand to the City's mobility network. The confluence of Pontiac Trail, Broadway, Plymouth Road, Moore Street, Wall Street, and Maiden Lane (also known as Lower Town) has the potential to become a mobility chokepoint.
City Council desires to mitigate the potential impacts of development on the City's quality of life. In December 2017, City Council passed a resolution (R-17-472) directing the City Administrator to review and update previous studies of vehicular, transit, bicycle, and pedestrian movements leading to, and traveling through, the Lower Town area. Staff prepared a draft scope and cost estimate for Lower Town Area Mobility Study. In January 2018, the City's Transportation Commission reviewed and provided comments on the scope of this study. The scope of work, cost estimate and comments from the Transportation Commission were submitted to City Council in February 2018.
On April 23, 2018, a request for proposal (RFP No. 18-21) was issued for the Lower Town Area Mobility Study. Proposals were received from three consultant teams on June 1, 2018. A team of staff members reviewed the proposals and selected two consultant teams for interview. After the interviews, staff selected the team led by Orchard, Hiltz & McCliment, Inc. (OHM) based on their professional qualificati...
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