Proclamation for 2018 Counselor in Training Volunteers
In Appreciation of
The Counselor in Training Volunteers for their 2018 Service
October 1st, 2018
WHEREAS, 18 individual youth volunteers between the ages of 13-16
dedicated themselves to volunteering in the Counselor-In-Training (CIT) program with
GIVE 365, serving at Gallup Day Camp, Fuller Day Camp and Buhr Park Day Camp
during the summer of 2018; and
WHEREAS, These 18 CIT volunteers have contributed over 2,200 hours of volunteer
service to support day camp operations by assisting day camp staff and engaging with
campers by leading games, building meaningful connections and serving as
mentors; and
WHEREAS, Their consistent participation with the GIVE 365 Volunteer Program
made a positive impact on youth in the support of the 3 camp programs that together
serve approximately 1,300 campers, up to 9 hours daily, over 11 weeks of the summer;
WHEREAS, The City of Ann Arbor appreciates the tireless efforts of volunteers in
assistance of our day camp programs and places significant value on an engaged
NOW THEREFORE, I, Christopher Taylor, Mayor of Ann Arbor, Michigan, in recognition of these personal and volunteer endeavors, conducted for the greater good of our community, do hereby proclaim a commemoration of the 2018 Counselor-In-Training volunteers with GIVE 365 on October 1st, 2018, in the City of Ann Arbor.
I hereby set my hand and seal
This 1st day of October, 2018
Christopher Taylor
Mayor of the City of Ann Arbor