Resolution to Support the Energy Commission's Resolution of Support for the Michigan House of Representatives' Michigan Energy Freedom Package (House Bill Nos. 5861-5865)
The attached resolution directs the Administrator to support passage of legislation that will support locally-owned community solar, fair value for Distributed Generation tariffs, and remove capacity constraints that impede broad solar adoption.
Prepared by: Energy Commissioners John Mirsky and Mark Clevey
Reviewed by: Josh MacDonald, Sustainability Analyst
Reviewed by: Missy Stults, Sustainability and Innovations Manager
Whereas, In December 2012, with the adoption of the Climate Action Plan ("CAP"), the City Council committed to an ambitious, multi-strategy vision to address Climate Change by reducing its community-wide greenhouse emissions (8% by 2015, 25% by 2025, and 90% by 2050, relative to year-2000 baseline carbon dioxide equivalent ("CO2e") emissions levels);
Whereas, City Council unanimously reaffirmed the local commitment to climate action by adopting its Resolution Committing the City of Ann Arbor to Adopt, Honor and Uphold Paris Climate Agreement Goals (Resolution R-17-238);
Whereas, Mayor Christopher Taylor has endorsed and signed onto the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy and U.S. Climate Mayors initiatives;
Whereas, The Energy Commission's CAP-derived Solar Goals (24 MW by 2025) were unanimously endorsed by the City Council in its June 2016 Resolution Authorizing a Commitment to Making the City of Ann Arbor a Solar Ready Community;
Whereas, To create a better energy future for all Ann Arbor and Michigan residents and businesses, legislation is needed that eliminates barriers to solar generation and ownership and promotes an open-to-all market for adoption and interconnection of locally-owned solar to the distribution grid; and
Whereas, Support for The Energy Freedom Package, House Bills 5861-5865, is essential to secure fair...
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