Resolution in Support of the Existing EPA Passenger Car Corporate Fuel Economy Standards (CAF? Standards)
Prepared by: Josh MacDonald, Sustainability Analyst
Reviewed by: Missy Stults, Sustainability and Innovations Manager
Whereas, In December 2012, with the adoption of the Climate Action Plan ("CAP"), the City Council committed to an ambitious multi-strategy vision to address Climate Change and mitigate its far-reaching negative impacts by reducing its community-wide greenhouse gas ("GHG") emissions (8% by 2015, 25% by 2025, and 90% by 2050, relative to year-2000 baseline carbon dioxide equivalent ("CO2e") emissions levels);
Whereas, City Council unanimously reaffirmed its commitment to climate action by adopting its Resolution Committing the City of Ann Arbor to Adopt, Honor and Uphold Paris Climate Agreement Goals (Resolution R-17-238);
Whereas, Mayor Christopher Taylor endorsed and signed onto the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy and U.S. Climate Mayors initiatives;
Whereas, An update of community-wide GHG emissions completed in 2017 showed that while Ann Arbor achieved its 2015 CAP target, transportation sector emissions increased from approximately 432,000 MT CO2e, or 24% of total community-wide emissions in 2000, to 455,000 MT CO2e or 30% of the total in 2015;
Whereas, Current EPA Passenger Car GHG / Corporate Average Fuel Economy ("CAF?") Standards (henceforth "Standards") were implemented in 2012, and the United Auto Workers and all major automakers, except Volkswagen and Daimler, supported their implementation;
Whereas, The Standards have sparked significant vehicle technological improvements, resulting in nationwide emissions reductions of approximately 260M MTCO2e and savings of approximately $54 B in consumer gasoline expenditures from year 2012 to the present (the equivalent of $2-3 per $1 in additional vehicle cost);
Whereas, Since the Standards took effect, North American vehicle sales have risen to r...
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