Resolution No. 1 - Prepare Plans and Specifications for the Fuller Road Sidewalk - Sidewalk Special Assessment Project
Approval of the attached resolution directs staff to prepare plans, specifications, and cost estimates to construct a new sidewalk along Fuller Road as a special assessment project.
Project Description
This project comes from a Traffic Safety Audit (TSA) conducted by staff in December 2016. The TSA recommended moving the existing crosswalk at the Gallup Park entrance further to the west in order to increase sight distance and move pedestrians away from traffic conflicts that occur at the current crosswalk.
In order to relocate the crosswalk to the safer location further west, a sidewalk will have to be constructed on the south side of Fuller Road. The proposed sidewalk will extend from the Gallup Park driveway entrance west approximately 500 feet to the new crosswalk that will connect to the existing pathway on the north side of Fuller Road near the entrance to Huron High School. All pavements markings, ADA ramps, street lights, and RRFBs will be relocated to the new crosswalk.
In April-May 2018, staff met with the Ann Arbor Public Schools Traffic Safety Committee and the City Transportation Commission, and held a public information meeting at Huron High School. Feedback from these meetings stressed the need to direct pedestrians to the new crosswalk so that the old crossing location will not be used. The meetings also identified issues such as road alignment that could warrant continued future study and could enhance safety, but these issues are not part of the current project. Feedback from these meetings will be incorporated into the project design once it proceeds.
It is anticipated that, in conjunction with Ann Arbor Public Schools (AAPS), a significant education component will occur following the relocation of the crosswalk to help direct students in how to cross Fuller Road in the safest possible manner, utilizing the relocated crosswalk.
It is anticipated that permanent easements for the construction of the new sidewalk will not be necessary, as there is currently sufficient right-of-way width for the sidewalk construction. However, the addition of the new sidewalks may require temporary easements for regrading on private property. Staff will meet with the affected property owners to describe the project, needed easements, assessments, and future recoverable costs.
The attached resolution directs staff to provide and share cost estimates for this work once it is designed. Staff will return to Council with Resolution 2, which will define the estimated individual costs to each parcel.
Budget Impact
This work will be funded by special assessments, and the Street, Bridge, and Sidewalk Millage.
As called for in Chapter 13 of City Code, the cost for the addition of new sidewalk where none currently exists is borne by the parcels that benefit from the improvements. The abutting parcels include Gallup Park, a parcel within the City owned by DTE, and one residential township property. Because the township parcel is not assessable, the initial construction cost at that location will be borne by the City, and recoverable in the future when the parcel is annexed into the City.
Prepared by: Nicholas Hutchinson, P.E., City Engineer
Reviewed by: Craig Hupy, Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, Engineering staff conducted a Traffic Safety Audit;
Whereas, A result of the Audit is a recommendation to relocate the existing crosswalk at the Gallup Park entrance further west to create a safer crossing location;
Whereas, To relocate the crosswalk, approximately 500 feet of new sidewalk will need to be installed on the south side of Fuller Road from the Gallup Park entrance to the proposed new crosswalk location; and
Whereas, Design shall incorporate features to direct pedestrians away from the current crossing location to the new crosswalk as well as other feedback obtained from public engagement efforts conducted to date;
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement project, and an estimate of the cost thereof;
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be directed to develop a plan to ensure the future sidewalk along the south side of Fuller Road, from the entrance of Gallup Park to the proposed new crosswalk, be fully cleared and safe year round;
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be directed to file a report of same with the City Clerk, including a recommendation as to what proportion of the special assessment cost should be recoverable, what cost should be a general obligation of the City, and the land which should be included in the special assessment district; and
RESOLVED, That the City Clerk shall present said report to the Council and make it available for public examination.
As Amended and Approved by Ann Arbor City Council on November 19, 2018.*
(*Note: This resolution was later reconsidered and Tabled on December 3, 2018.)