Resolution to Appoint a Task Force to Review Policies and Procedures for Special Events
Whereas, Special Events and Festivals provide are a welcome and essential part of quality of life in Ann Arbor;
Whereas, Special Events and Festivals contribute to social interaction, business growth, and healthy lifestyles and are an essential part of community building;
Whereas, The costs of staging and Special Events and Festivals and providing security have increased to the level where many event organizers can no longer afford to sponsor the events; and
Whereas, The City Council has approved additional one-time funding in the Fiscal Year 2019 budget as a transition to a more sustainable approach to supporting Special Events and Festivals;
RESOLVED, That the City Council direct the City Administrator to form a special task force to review the current application, staging, and security processes and provide recommendations for future policies regarding Special Events and Festivals and the enforcement of those policies;
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator will designate a task force chair who will seek representation from the involved City agencies, merchant and business organizations, event organizers, and other stakeholders; and
RESOLVED, That the task force will meet and work with the City Administrator and key City staff to provide recommendations to the City Administrator within 6 - 12 weeks; and the City Administrator will report back to Council on the funding impacts and implementation steps of the appropriate recommendations as part of the FY20/21 budgeting process but not later than the end of December 2018.
Sponsored by: Councilmember Ackerman