Resolution to Approve the Explanatory Caption to the Ballot Question Concerning the Center of the City Charter Amendment and to Authorize Submission to the Governor and Attorney General for Approval for the November 6, 2018 Ballot
Prepared by: Matthew Thomas, Associate City Attorney
Sponsors: Mayor Taylor and Councilmembers Westphal and Grand
Whereas, Certain Ann Arbor electors circulated, signed, and delivered to the City Clerk petitions to place on the ballot at the November 6, 2018 general election the following question: "Shall the City-owned public land bounded by Fifth Ave, and William, Division and Liberty Streets be retained in public ownership, in perpetuity, and developed as an urban park and civic center commons, known as the "Center of the City" by adding a new section for the purpose as explained above?";
Whereas, The City Clerk has canvassed the petition and has certified the sufficiency of the number of signatures in the petition; and
Whereas, Section 21(2) of the Michigan Home Rule City Act, MCL 117.21(2), allows the City Council to add an explanatory caption to the ballot question;
RESOLVED, The following Explanatory Caption shall be added to the ballot question concerning the Center of the City Charter Amendment which will be on the ballot at the November 6, 2018 general election:
The following information has been provided by the Ann Arbor City Council regarding the proposed charter amendment:
1. A buyer has agreed to purchase the surface and air rights above the Library Lane Garage to build a mixed-use development including retail, office space, a hotel, residential units, and a 12,000 square-foot public plaza. If closing is completed, the purchase price will be $10,000,000.00. Fifty percent (50%) of the net proceeds will go into the City of Ann Arbor's Affordable Housing Fund. The other fifty percent (50%) of net proceeds will go towards paying off the debt incurred in the 2018 purchase of the Y-Lot. The Charte...
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