An Ordinance to Repeal Sections 4:16 through 4:20 and Section 4:30 of Chapter 47 (Streets and Curb Cuts) of Title IV; and Chapter 55 (Zoning), Chapter 56 (Prohibited Land Uses), Chapter 57 (Subdivision and Land Use Control), Chapter 59 (Off-Street Parking), Chapter 60 (Wetlands), Chapter 61 (Signs and Outdoor Advertising), Chapter 62 (Landscaping and Screening), Chapter 63 (Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control), of Title V; and Chapter 104 (Fences) of Title VIII of the Code of the City of Ann Arbor and to Amend the Code of the City of Ann Arbor with a New Chapter 55 (Unified Development Code) of Title V of Said Code (CPC Recommendation: Approval - 7 Yeas and 0 Nays) (Ordinance No. ORD-18-08)
Attached for your review and approval is an ordinance to repeal certain sections and chapters of the Ann Arbor City Code that provide development regulations and to replace them with a Unified Development Code.
Background - The City's land use and development ordinances and regulations are scattered among ten different chapters of the City Code. In 2009, City Council directed the Office of the City Attorney and the Planning Services Unit to review and reorganize the City's development-related ordinances in order to present the information in a more coherent, concise and user-friendly manner. Problems with the City's development ordinances include that the ordinances are difficult to navigate (especially for the occasional user), they lack clarity, they need minor cleanup, and in some areas they contain dated and incomplete material, and have minor inconsistencies with state law. Making these technical revisions to the Code would improve the clarity, organization and user-friendliness of the Code, setting the stage for future substantive amendments.
This effort was branded the Zoning Ordinance Reorganization Project (ZORO
). A consultant, Donald E...
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