Resolution to Approve a Contract with Yellowfin BI North America, Inc. for a Business Intelligence (Big Data)/Data Visualization Platform for FY18 - FY23 ($257,100.00) (8 Votes Required)
The attached resolution authorizes the purchase of software, support, and maintenance of a Business Intelligence/Data Visualization Platform from Yellowfin BI North America, Inc. for FY18 - FY23.
The City identified "Support Data-Driven Decision Making" as a key goal in the 2017/2018 IT Technology Plan. To facilitate this goal and enable intelligent, data-driven decision-making across the enterprise, the ITSU department was tasked with finding and implementing a Business Intelligence platform (which is a service the City does not currently have).
A Request for Proposal (RFP #17-27) was advertised on the Michigan Inter-governmental Trade Network as well as the City's Purchasing website. Through the course of RFP review and due diligence, 20 of the 23 respondents were eliminated by the evaluation committee. The three finalists conducted separate demonstrations at City Hall that addressed functionality, training, support, and implementation. Staff evaluated the finalists and selected Yellowfin BI North America, Inc.
A five-year pricing comparison of the three finalists is below:
* Includes a one-time ($19,600) implementation fee
While Yellowfin was not the lowest-cost respondent, staff believes that the ease of use, additional features, and the long-term benefits of Yellowfin's platform justifies the added expense and recommends Yellowfin.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: The estimated cost of the service is $257,100, for a five year contract (as noted above). Such cost will be paid as follows: $138,350 in FY18; $118,750 in FY19. For the FY18 payment, $57,000 is ...
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