Resolution to Approve Weber Site Plan and Development Agreement, 2857 Packard Road (CPC Recommendation: Approval - 0 Yeas and 7 Nays)
Approval of this resolution will allow for the construction of The Weber Site Plan for City Council approval. The proposed project calls for 51 single dwelling units and removal of the existing house and out buildings. Access is provided by a private two-way drive off Packard Road leading to 20 parallel parking spaces and 31 parking spaces along the south area of the internal loop drive.
Petition Summary:
An Area Plan and conditional rezoning from R1C to R1E, single-family residential, were approved in November 2016. This conditional rezoning capped the maximum number of dwelling units to 52 on site with five of these perimeter units being ranch style, a 15-foot wide screening buffer around the perimeter of the site, and attached garages projecting no more than 12 feet from the front of the house or 6 feet from the front of the porch.
Several site plans were submitted for staff review since the original Area Plan. Each subsequent plan removed more landmark trees. Several of these landmark trees are of the highest concern and date back to pre-settlement days of Ann Arbor. Each of the site plan submittals also reduced the amount of woodland area preserved (The Urban Forester review states the removal of these woodland trees reduces the basal area of the woodlands to less than 30 square feet pre 1/2 acre and the areas will no longer meet the woodlands definition).
Planning Commission asked if the petitioner was open to meeting with City staff to address these natural features impacts. The petitioner requested a vote on the petition in lieu of meeting with staff.
A development agreement has been prepared to address the Parks Contribution, natural features protection and on-site improvements.
The City Planning Commission, at its meeting of September 19, 2017, recommended denial of this this request...
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