Resolution to Support the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Application for Swift Lane Apartments and Hickory Way Apartments
The Ann Arbor City Council strongly supports the Low Income Housing Tax Credit applications of Swift Lane apartments (White Street and Platt Road) and Hickory Way apartments (South Maple). City Council is adopting the following resolution of support as evidence to the Michigan State Housing Development Authority of the importance of these affordable housing projects to the City of Ann Arbor.
The City of Ann Arbor, in concert with other community stakeholders, developed the Sustainability Framework/Master Plan to encourage long-term sustainability and growth. It is being used as a tool by the City and its various stakeholder organizations to direct resources and efforts toward common goals in order to maintain a high quality of life within the community.
While the overall Framework outlines a shared community vision, resulting in significant public and private resources and actions and working in concert to leverage all opportunities, the Community goals outlined in the Sustainability Plan are the most relevant to the resources and investments being made to further affordable housing including the Swift Lane and Hickory Way projects.
The Plan prioritizes the need for diverse housing. It specifically directs the need to “provide high quality, safe, efficient, and affordable housing choices to meet the current and future needs of our community, particularly for homeless and low-income households.” As well documented in Washtenaw County’s Housing Affordability and Economic Equity - Analysis, the need for affordable housing units in the City of Ann Arbor is urgent.
The City of Ann Arbor is concerned about ensuring that our low-income residents live in neighborhoods with access to transportation, jobs, good schools, recreational opportunities and services. These projects are on bus-lines and are close to numerous employmen...
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