Resolution to Approve 315-317 South Main Site Plan, 315 and 317 South Main Street (CPC Recommendation: Approval - 8 Yeas and 0 Nays).
Attached is a resolution to approve the 315-317 South Main Site Plan. Approval of this resolution will allow for the construction of a 32,813-square foot building with retail on the ground floor and office on the upper five floors.
Petition Summary:
* The Site Plan proposes to construct a new six-story building with a third-story streetwall. The ground floor is proposed as retail with office on the upper five stories. There are rooftop patios accessible from the fourth, fifth, and sixth floors.
* No vehicle parking is required; four covered spaces are proposed off the rear alley. Four class B bicycle parking spaces are also proposed off the alley.
* An underground infiltration structure will be installed below the rear of the building to accommodate first flush stormwater.
The Historic District Commission, at its meeting of September 8, 2016, granted a Certificate of Appropriateness for the project.
During Planning Commission deliberation, the following questions were raised to be addressed prior to Council approval:
* Will this project impact the pilot organics collection project? No, the proposed development is not anticipated to impact the pilot.
* What will the project's impact be to the City's Development Offset Mitigation program? If the payment-in-lieu method were selected, the payment would be $18,000. Alternatively, the petitioner could remove an equivalent amount of flow through other methods (building demolition, footing drain disconnects, etc.)
* How will pedestrian access be maintained? The City will work with the owner to minimize pedestrian impacts to Main Street through construction of the building.
* Is the proposed development consistent with proposed improvements to the Streetscape and public alley? There are not adopted plans for specific alley improvements in this area.
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