Resolution to Approve The Collegian North Site Plan and Development Agreement, 1107 South University Avenue (CPC Recommendation: Approval - 8 Yeas and 0 Nays)
Approval of this resolution will allow for the construction of The Collegian North, a 12-story mixed-use building on the north side of the 1100 block of South University Avenue.
Petition Summary:
* The Site Plan proposes a 12-story, 115,552-square foot, 698% FAR building containing 55 apartment units and approximately 18,000-square foot of retail space on the first and second floors. The residential use premium is used to exceed the normal 400% FAR allowance.
* Because the premium option is used, 50 off-street parking spaces are required. The DDA has approved the petitioner's request for a 15-year contract for five standard monthly permits, three car share parking permits (counted as 12 spaces) and 33 limited overnight parking permits in the Forest Avenue parking structure. Contracts for permits in the public parking system is one of the available options to providing required premium off-street parking in the downtown area.
* A development agreement has been prepared to address the responsibility for completion of the South University Streetscape Improvement Plan adjacent the site, a contribution for improvements to a downtown park, adherence to the building design and elevations in addition to the typical agreement provisions.
* Since the site plan was considered by the Planning Commission, the petitioner has reconfigured the floor plans to increase the number of apartments and expand the apartment types, as well as relocating the bicycle storage room from the basement to the ground floor. The proposed site plan includes 55 apartments (previously 43) and a roughly even mix of three-, four-, five-, and six-bedroom apartments (previously almost exclusively five- and six-bedroom units). These changes are entirely internal, the proposed building exterior dimensions hav...
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