Resolution to Approve the South Maple Apartments by Avalon (Hickory Way Apartments) Planned Project Site Plan, 1110 and 1132 South Maple Road (CPC Recommendation: Approval - 7 Yeas and 0 Nays)
Approval of this resolution will allow for the construction of two 3-story residential buildings containing a total of 70 apartments. The development is proposed by, and will be owned and managed by, Avalon Housing, Inc. and will be affordable to lower income households. All units will be restricted for households at or below 60% of Area Median Income (AMI), with up to half of the units potentially available for lower income households (30% AMI). With this range, all units would be consistent with the City's adopted affordable housing targets. Planned project modifications are requested to reduce the south side setback and increase the front setback. A landscape modification is requested to reduce the width of the conflicting land use buffer for a short stretch.
The site was recently annexed from Scio Township. A separate petition to zone the site R4B (Multiple-Family Dwelling District) is also before City Council.
Petition Summary:
* The site plan proposes two 3-story residential buildings containing a total of 70 apartments and a 105-space parking lot (of which 40% will be deferred). The apartments will be owned and managed by Avalon Housing, Inc. and will be affordable to lower income households.
* The petitioner is requesting planned project modifications to decrease the south side setback and increase the front setback.
o Additional side setback is required because each building exceeds 50 feet in length. With the additional requirement, the south side setback for Building 1 is 35 feet, 4 inches and 32 feet, 5 inches for Building 2. The requested modification will reduce the south side setback to 12 feet, the base requirement without any additional distance due to building length.
o The maximum permitted front set...
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