Appointments & Nominations
I would like to request confirmation of the following appointments placed on the floor for your consideration at the August 8, 2013 regular session of Council:
Ann Arbor Commission on Disability Issues
Alison Stroud Filling vacancy of Ian Scott
5980 Plum Hollow Dr. Apt. 7
Pittsfield Twp., MI 48197
Term: August 19, 2013-August 18, 2016
Building Board of Appeals
Paul Darling- Re-Appointment
1430 Hatcher Crescent
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Term: August 19, 2013-August 18, 2018
Downtown Development Authority
Rishi Narayan-replacing Leah Gunn
2108 Vinewood Blvd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Term: August 19, 2013-August 18, 2016
*The term end date was corrected administratively on May 30, 2014 in compliance with MCL 125.1654(1) to reflect a four-year term.
Housing Board of Appeals
Reka Farrakand Filling remainder of Leon Moore's term
5052 Schrah Drive
Munith, MI 49259
Term: August 19, 2013-June 30, 2016
Zoning Board of Appeals
Alex Milshteyn Re-Appointment
316 Second Street #510
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Term: August 18, 2013-August 18, 2016
Ann Arbor Transportation Authority
Jack Bernard
2030 Ferdon Rd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Term: August 18, 2013-August 17, 2018