Resolution to Approve 401 North Fourth Avenue Site Plan and Development Agreement, 401-403 North Fourth Avenue (CPC Recommendation: Approval - 9 Yeas and 0 Nays)
Attached is a resolution to approve the 401 North Fourth Avenue Site Plan and Development Agreement. Approval of this resolution will allow for the construction of a dupex dwelling, each with a two-car garage, and 21 surface parking spaces, consistent with the proposed D2 Downtown Interface rezoning.
Petition Summary:
· The Site Plan proposes construction of a duplex dwelling with two two-car garages and 21 surface parking spaces. Vehicular access to the 21 surface parking spaces will be from the midblock alley (running north/south, parallel to North Fourth Avenue). The front doors to both dwelling units face North Fourth Avenue as well as two garage doors, one for each unit.
· A landscape modification request has been submitted for this petition seeking approval for one long landscape area along the entire north side of the surface parking lot instead of several smaller landscape islands. The size of the proposed landscape area exceeds the minimum necessary to meet code requirements for the proposed parking lot size, but its location is proposed outside of, instead of within, the defined vehicular use area. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the landscape modification petition.
· A development agreement has been prepared to address utility construction and a park contribution.
· The project was reviewed by the Design Review Board for consistency with the Downtown Design Guidelines. All of the Design Review Board’s suggested design changes, which were all relatively minor, were incorporated into the proposed design.
· The two outstanding staff comments noted in the staff report have been satisfactorily addressed. The sanitary sewer mitigation calculations have been revised on the plan to include the correct peak factor, and the Solid Waste/Rec...
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