Resolution to Approve Ann Arbor Bike Share Master Agreement with Clean Energy Coalition for Implementation and Operation of a Bike Share System ($150,000.00)
Attached for your consideration is a resolution to approve an agreement with the Clean Energy Coalition (CEC) to establish, implement and operate a Bike Share Program within the City relying on the Alternative Transportation Fund to provide the local match for grant funding secured for the program investments.
Bike sharing offers an opportunity to dramatically increase the bicycle mode share in Ann Arbor. Modern bike sharing is quickly growing in popularity within the US, as over twenty systems have launched since 2010. Durable bicycles, specially-designed for bike sharing, are made available for public use at designated stations in, and around, an urban center. Users are enabled to access the bicycles with a swipe of their credit card or membership card. Bike share systems allow users to obtain a bicycle at one bike share station and return the bicycle at a location near one’s destination. Bike sharing offers numerous benefits to communities, such as introducing community members to cycling, enhancing transit, improving public health, and reducing greenhouse gases and congestion.
The CEC is leading the local initiative to establish a bike share program in Ann Arbor. This will be the first publicly available bike share program in Michigan. The CEC has collaborated with several partners in developing the program, including the Ann Arbor Transportation Authority (AATA), Downtown Development Authority, the University of Michigan and the City of Ann Arbor. Over the past year, the CEC has secured a Federal Highway Administration Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) grant of $600,000.00 for bike sharing. The CMAQ funds are dedicated to capital expenditures. CMAQ funds are provided at an 80/20 matching formula, requiring a local commitment of $150,000.00 to draw the total amount ...
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