Resolution to Approve the Purchase of an EditShare XStream HT Storage System from AVI Systems (ITB #4490; $34,119.98)
The attached resolution authorizes the purchase of an EditShare XStream HT Storage System from AVI Systems, Farmington Hills, MI for use by the Community Television Network (CTN) staff.
The new storage system will replace an existing system which has been in operation for over 5 years and is utilized by CTN staff to produce video programming for the City.
Bids were solicited for the storage system through ITB #4490 issued by the City and opened on April 18, 2017. AVI Systems, Farmington Hills, MI, provided the only response to the ITB. The price of the new storage system is $37,119.98 but AVI is also offering a trade-in discount ($3000) for the existing system.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: The purchase was planned and was budgeted at $50,000.00 for FY2017. Funding for this purchase is included in CTN Capital Equipment Fund in the approved FY2017 budget.
AVI Systems complies with the requirements of the City's non-discrimination ordinances.
Prepared by: Greg McDonald, CTN Manager
Reviewed by: Lisa Wondrash, Communications Unit Manager
Approved by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, The City issued ITB #4490 in March 2017 for the Community Television Network (CTN) Unit to purchase a replacement shared storage system for the production of video programming for the City;
Whereas, AVI Systems was the most responsive bidder to ITB #4490;
Whereas, The funds for the purchase of this shared storage system are available in the approved FY2017 CTN Production Equipment Fund; and
Whereas, AVI Systems complies with the requirements of the City's non-discrimination ordinances;
RESOLVED, That the City Council approve the issuance of a purchase order to AVI Systems for the EditShare XStream HT Storage System per ITB #4490 in the amount of $34,119.98;
RESOLVED, That funds for the purchase of this equipment i...
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