Resolution to Approve Participation Agreement with Legacy Land Conservancy, Salem Township, and Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation and Appropriate $187,500.00 from the Open Space and Parkland Preservation Millage for Purchase of Fee Title to the Shatter Family Trust Property (8 Votes Required)
This resolution approves a participation agreement with Legacy Land Conservancy, Salem Township, and Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation for the purchase fee title to a 25-acre property owned by the Shatter Family Trust in Salem Township. The resolution also approves an appropriation of funds not to exceed $187,500.00 (50% of purchase price) for the purchase from the Open Space and Parkland Preservation Millage Proceeds.
The landowners applied to the Salem Township Land Preservation Program and the Township contacted the Greenbelt Program and Legacy Land Conservancy for assistance in the transaction. As the landowners are interested in selling fee title to the property, and Legacy Land Conservancy already owns a preserve approximately one half mile north of the property, Legacy Land Conservancy agreed to take the lead in the acquisition, to be the ultimate holder of the property, to provide management and stewardship of the property in the future, and to open the property to the general public as a nature preserve with public trails. Salem Township agreed to cover the due diligence costs and construction of a parking area. The Township commissioned an appraisal, completed in February 2018, that determined the fair market value of the property to be $375,000.00. Legacy Land Conservancy has been the lead negotiator in the transaction and will own the fee title to the property.
Shatter Family Trust Property, Salem Township
The property is approximately 25 acres and is located in Section 28 of Salem Township with legal access from Curtis and Brookville Roads. It is owned by the Shatter Family Trust. The property scored in the top half of application...
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