Resolution to Approve Amendment No. 2 to the Professional Services Agreement with Environmental Consulting and Technology, Inc. for the Sister Lakes Stormwater Retrofit Project Engineering Design Services ($9,500.00)
Attached for your review and approval is a resolution to authorize an Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Environmental Consulting and Technology, Inc. (ECT) for the Sister Lakes Stormwater Retrofit Project Engineering Design.
Budget/Fiscal Impact
Funding for the project is incorporated into the City's Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) as project UT-ST-16-11, and is included in the approved Stormwater capital budget. Long term maintenance associated with the proposed work would be funded by the Stormwater operations and maintenance budget.
The City issued a Request for Proposal (RFP #976) in June 2016 for design services to provide water quality improvements, conveyance modifications, and ecological habitat improvements to First Sister Lake. The proposal received from ECT and a pre-award meeting with their staff demonstrated the firm's understanding of the project scope and its technical qualifications to complete the design services.
In August 2016, ECT was administratively authorized to provide design services for a fee of $19,997.00. Based on input received from numerous neighbors at a neighborhood meeting in October, survey work and wetland delineation were expanded to include an additional area adjacent to First Sister Lake. This work was included in Amendment No. 1, which was approved administratively for an amount of $2,400.00; bringing the total project authorization to $22,397.00.
Additional neighborhood meetings were held in February and April 2017. Based on citizen input at those meetings, staff recommends broadening the scope of services to provide additional topographic survey, wetland delineation, soil investigation, and detailed design to treat stormwater entering First Sister Lake f...
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