Resolution to Advance Healthy Streets in Downtown Ann Arbor to Promote Safe Social Distancing Outdoors
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Whitmer has enacted a series of Executive Orders aimed at safeguarding public safety. These include minimal physical distancing mandates. On May, 4th 2020, Ann Arbor City Council passed Resolution to Promote Safe Social Distancing Outdoors in Ann Arbor, which requested staff identify opportunities to use City streets to expand safe social distancing for pedestrians and cyclists based on best practices and work in other cities.
City Transportation and DDA Staff worked quickly to identify the range of downtown needs based on national guidance and conversations with the downtown area associations and businesses. The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) Streets for Pandemic Response and Recovery guide compiles best practices from across the country and encourages a range of strategies and street adaptations as pandemic phases and needs change.
Based on these discussions, a set of strategies and programs have been set forward outlining how downtown Ann Arbor streets, sidewalks, and public parking lots can be utilized during this pandemic period to support economic recovery and build a more resilient community, including supporting physical distancing, encouraging patronage of downtown businesses, and reinforcing core values of safety, mobility, equity, and downtown vitality.
Downtown Pilot Project Recommendation:
City Council action on May 4, 2020 (R-20-158) and June 1, 2020 (R-20-194) enables expanded physical distancing and street closures on residential and commercial streets. In alignment with NACTO guidance, staff recommend temporarily widening sidewalks and installing separated bike lanes on important access corridors to accommodate physical distancing and allow safe access to and through downtown (as shown on the attached maps).
The design team reviewed available data t...
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