Resolution to Approve a Construction Contract with C.A. Hull Co., Inc. for the Leslie Park and Sylvan Park Bridge Replacements Project ($699,865.01)
Two existing City park bridges have reached the end of their useful life and require replacement. The first bridge is an existing 15-foot-long pedestrian bridge located in Sylvan Park. The second bridge is a 20-foot-long bridge over the Traver Creek at Leslie Park used for pedestrians and golf carts. Both bridges have reached the end of their useful life. The Sylvan park bridge is also currently closed for use.
At Sylvan Park, the project will replace the existing pedestrian bridge that crosses over the Swift Run Drain, connecting the western and eastern portions of the park. A new 20-foot-long bridge on new abutments will be installed over the Swift Run Drain connecting the western and eastern portions of the park.
At Leslie Park, the project will replace the existing bridge with a prefabricated bridge that the City has in storage from over the Argo Cascades. That bridge was previously removed after determining the substructure was severely corroded. However, the remaining bridge structure remains in good condition and is proposed for reuse. The project includes the bridge refurbishment and subsequent installation of the 30-foot-long bridge on new abutments over the Traver Creek.
Solicitation of Bids: Park staff solicited proposals with Public Improvement Request for Proposal #24-51 through the City's Procurement Unit. The documents were advertised on the City's Website and on the Michigan Inter-governmental Trade Network (MITN) website. On October 1, 2024, seven (7) proposals were received and publicly opened.
A selection committee comprised of Community Services staff and managing consultants reviewed the proposals and determined which bidder was the Best Value based on the criteria in ORD-21-41:
* Qualifications, Experience, & Accountability (20%)
* Workplace Safety (20%)
* Workfo...
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