Resolution to Authorize Settlement of Mateo v. Fingerle and the City of Ann Arbor, 22nd Circuit Court, Case No. 2018-1114-CH
Prepared by: Christopher Frost, Senior Assistant City Attorney
Reviewed by: Stephen K. Postema, City Attorney
Whereas, The Plaintiff in the above-referenced lawsuit has offered to settle the case by consent order at no cost to the City, providing that the City accepts the revised boundary descriptions of the parcels at issue for tax assessment purposes; and
RESOLVED, That the City Council authorizes the City Attorney to resolve the case Mateo v. Fingerle and the City of Ann Arbor, 22nd Circuit Court, Case No. 2018-1114-CH, contingent upon the receipt of a consent order that imposes no cost to the City and that contains revised boundary descriptions of the parcels at issue acceptable to the City Assessor in a form and with terms approved by the City Attorney; and
RESOLVED, That the City Council authorizes and directs the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the consent order and the City Administrator and City Attorney to take such further actions and execute such other documents that are appropriate to effect this resolution.
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