Resolution to Authorize a Professional Services Agreement with Anlaan Corporation for $292,500.00 and Amend the Morehead - Delaware Pedestrian Bridge Design - Build Project $76,500.00 (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your review and consideration for approval is a resolution authorizing Professional Services Agreements with Anlaan Corporation for $292,500.00 and a $76,500.00 amendment of the existing project budget for Morehead - Delaware Pedestrian Bridge Design - Build Project.
When the Lansdowne neighborhood was built in the 1960s and 70s, the developer put three weirs across the Northwest Branch of the Malletts Creek that are now owned by Lans Basin, Inc. A wooden bridge was built on one of the weirs over Malletts Creek, connecting the pedestrian pathway along Morehead Court and Delaware Drive. The pathway runs along a 12-foot-wide public pedestrian walkway between homes on both Morehead Court and Delaware Drive. The City maintained this pedestrian bridge until it was removed in 2010 due to safety concerns associated with the weir upon which it sat.
The City indicated that replacement of the bridge could not be considered until Lans Basin, Inc. addressed the condition of the weir. The City also determined that, to avoid a similar situation in the future, a new bridge should rest on it is own substructure, and not on the weir itself. Lans Basin, Inc. reported that weir repair was completed in 2015. Council approved an amendment to the City Budget in May of 2015 to provide funding for the Morehead-Delaware Pedestrian Bridge Project.
On May 2, 2016, the City Council approved Resolution R-16-174, which removed $150,000.00 from the budget for the Morehead-Delaware Pedestrian Bridge Project and directed staff to "engage in discussions with Morehead-Delaware residents to determine how to achieve a solution that meets the neighborhood's reasonable aspirations and the City's duty to husband its resources". Following this direction from City Co...
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