Resolution to Approve a Three Year Contract with Hylant Administrative Services LLC for Property, Casualty and Automotive Third Party Claims Administration Services ($35,000.00/Year)
The resolution before you is to approve a professional services agreement with Hylant Administrative Services LLC (Hylant) for property, casualty and automotive third party claims administration services. The City currently contracts for these services with Hylant. Funding for this project is budgeted and available in the Risk Fund.
Request for Proposals (RFP) #18-17 was issued March 30, 2018. Four responses were received. The four respondents were ASU Group (ASU), Broadspire, Hylant, and PMA Management Corp. A review panel consisting of the Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer reviewed the responses. Before opening and reviewing cost proposals, both reviewers scored Hylant the highest, followed by ASU.
Because both reviewers ranked Hylant the highest, only the Hylant cost proposal was opened. The cost proposal was consistent with our current pricing, and included a lower annual cap. The recommendation of the selection committee is to award the contract to Hylant on a per claim basis. The Insurance Board has reviewed the recommendation of staff and concurs with their conclusions (see minutes of the April 26, 2018, meeting of the Board of Insurance Administration).
The proposed agreement includes a fee structure for services (attached), which consists of a per claim fee of $575 for general liability claims, $300 for property claims and $50 for non-investigated claims.
Continuation of the contract for the two years after Fiscal Year 2019 will depend on the availability of funding. The contract includes an option to extend the agreement at the discretion of the City for two years at the conclusion of the initial three-year term.
Approval of the award of this contract to Hylant is recommended.
Prepared by: Matthew V. Horning, Treasurer
Reviewed by:...
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