Resolution to Authorize the Purchase of Two Doosan Air Compressors from Cloverdale Equipment Company (Sourcewell - $45,450.00)
The attached resolution authorizes the purchase of two new Doosan P185WDO Air Compressors at a cost of $22,725.00 each for a total of $45,450.00 through the Sourcewell cooperative purchasing program (contract #041719-CEC) for use by the Public Services Area, Public Works Utility operations.
The proposed Doosan Compressors will replace two existing air compressors, a 2003 Ingersol Rand (#2818) used in sewer utilities and a 2009 Ingersol Rand (#2819) used in storm water utilities. Each have unknown hours of use but are beyond their useful life and in need of replacement.
Clark Equipment Company dba Doosan Portable Power was awarded contract number 041719-CEC by the Sourcewell cooperative purchasing program for Generators and Portable Power Equipment. Cloverdale Equipment Company is the local Doosan dealer. The City's purchasing unit has reviewed the Sourcewell cooperative purchasing program and found that it meets the requirements of the City of Ann Arbor for competitive and fair purchasing.
Cloverdale Equipment Company complies with the requirements of the City's conflict of interest and non-discrimination ordinances.
Budget Impact: Adequate funding for the purchase of these units has been budgeted in the FY20 Fleet Services Fund budget and the Public Works Sewage Disposal and Stormwater Sewer System Fund Operations and Maintenance budgets.
Green Fleet Policy: At their October 17, 2019 meeting, the Green Fleet Committee approved the need for the replacement of this equipment, that the proposed replacements are consistent with the Green Fleet Policy, and recommended the approval of this resolution. The Sustainability and Innovations Manager has concurred with the actions of the Committee.
Prepared by: Matthew J. Kulhanek, Fleet and Facility Unit Manager
Reviewed by: John Fournier, Assistant City...
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