Resolution to Award a 2-Year Construction Contract for Miscellaneous Concrete Repairs to Saladino Construction Company ITB # 4595 (up to $325,052.20 over two years)
Attached for your approval is a resolution authorizing a 2-year contract with Saladino Construction Company for up to $325,052.20 for miscellaneous concrete repair.
ITB-4595 was advertised on the City's Website and on the Michigan Inter-governmental Trade Network (MITN) website. Two (2) bids were received and publicly opened on August 14, 2019. Saladino Construction was the lowest responsible bidder for miscellaneous as-needed concrete repair that become necessary as a result of Public Services and Parks maintenance activities.
Bid Amount
Saladino Construction Company
Doan Construction Company
Budget Impact: Funding is available in the various approved FY20 Operation and Maintenance and Capital budgets within Public Service Area and Parks Maintenance and Capital Improvements Millage. Funding is anticipated to be available in future fiscal years, if so approved by City Council. As tasks are performed, their associated costs will be charged to the appropriate funding sources.
Saladino Construction Company complies with the City's Non-Discrimination and Living Wage ordinances.
This agreement is from October 7, 2019 through October 7, 2021.
Prepared by: Paul Matthews, Public Works Assistant Manager
Reviewed by: Molly Maciejewski, Public Works Manager
Reviewed by: Craig Hupy, Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Howard Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, Public Works would like to award a contract for miscellaneous concrete repairs;
Whereas, Two competitive bids (ITB-4595) were received on August 14, 2019 and Saladino Construction Company was the lowest responsible bidder for miscellaneous concrete repair;
Whereas, Funding is available in the approved FY20 Operation and Maintenance and Capital budgets within Publ...
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