Resolution to Approve a Change Order with Toter LLC for Solid Waste Containers ($50,000.00, total Purchase Order of $148,000.00) and Appropriate $50,000.00 from fund balance (8 Votes Required)
The City maintains a supply of solid waste collection containers to replace aging containers and to distribute when new solid waste customer accounts are added. The City's approved Solid Waste Resource Management Plan also has a goal to increase recycling at commercial and multi-family properties. In order to accomplish this goal, the City must have the ability to purchase containers for new or expanded recycling service.
Resolution R-21-054 approved on February 16, 2021 appropriated funding and authorized an annual purchase of solid waste containers with Toter LLC for $98,000.00. Staff ordered a sufficient number of containers in FY21 to spend the full approved amount, but due to supply chain issues, Toter could not deliver all containers before the end of the fiscal year. The City received delivery of 60 containers totaling $56,616.12 in FY21. The remainder of the order anticipated for FY21 did not arrive until early July 2021, after the start of FY22. More containers have since been ordered and the additional purchasing authority is needed to fulfill current and future inventory needs for the remainder of the fiscal year, necessitating the change order of $50,000.00 as well as an appropriation of funding.
Public Works requests the authorization of an increase to the annual purchase order with Toter, LLC in the amount of $50,000.00 for a total FY22 expenditure of $148,000.00. Funds for this purchase are available in the Solid Waste Fund Unobligated Fund Balance ($50,000.00) and the Approved FY22 Operations and Maintenance Budget ($98,000.00)
Toter, LLC uses the National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance (IPA) agreement with the City of Tucson (RFP No. 171717 contract for Refuse and Recycling Container Solutions and Related Products, Equipme...
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