Resolution to Approve a Contract Agreement with the Michigan Department of Transportation for the Nixon/Green/Dhu Varren Intersection Project ($782,850.00)
Attached for your review and consideration, please find a resolution to approve a contract agreement between the City of Ann Arbor and the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) for the construction phase of the Nixon/Green/Dhu Varren Intersection Reconstruction Project. The agreement defines the cost sharing of the construction, as well as each party's rights and responsibilities, and is required for the project to receive its share of federal funding from the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program (CMAQ).
An Intersection Improvement Study was conducted in 2015 by OPUS International Consultants, Inc. that identified operational problems at the intersection and possible improvements to address these issues. Based on the result of this study, the City decided to construct a roundabout to improve the traffic operations, pedestrian and bicycle access, and other factors affecting this area.
In March 2016, the City entered into an agreement with Orchard, Hiltz & McCliment, Inc. (OHM) to perform the engineering design for the proposed intersection improvement. Taking input from several public engagement meetings, the engineering design was completed in early 2017 and final plans were sent to MDOT for bidding. Bids are scheduled to be opened on May 5th, 2017. Further information on the history of this project can be found on the project web page: www.a2gov.org/nixon
Budget/Fiscal Impact
The estimated total cost of the project is $2,808,310.00. In total, the City will be receiving $782,850.00 in CMAQ funds for this project. The CMAQ funding will be used to fund participating construction expenses. The City will be funding the local share of the construction costs and the design, construction engineering, and material testing costs. The local share of the...
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