Resolution to Authorize Professional Services Agreements with Bergmann Associates, Architects, Engineers, Landscape Architects & Surveyors, D.P.C. (Bergmann) for $674,656.50 for the design of the Allen Creek Railroad Berm Opening Project
Attached for your review and consideration for approval is a resolution authorizing a Professional Services Agreements with Bergmann Associates, Architects, Engineers, Landscape Architects & Surveyors, D.P.C. (Bergmann) for $674,656.50 for the design of the Allen Creek Railroad Berm Opening Project.
Budget/Fiscal Impact
Matching funds for a FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant have been established in the approved City of Ann Arbor Capital Improvement Plan (split between design FY 2017 and construction FY 2018) Stormwater Utility Capital Budget. The cost of the non-motorized/pedestrian tunnel is not included in the FEMA grant. Funding for the non-motorized/pedestrian portion of phase one has been programmed in the Alternative Transportation Fund Capital budget (0061). The breakdown of the design costs among the various funding sources is as follows:
FEMA Grant $360,393.66
Stormwater Fund $120,130.89
ALT Transportation Funds $194,131.95
TOTAL for Engineering Design $674,656.50
In 2007, City Council approved a Flood Mitigation Plan, which included a recommendation to study the Allen Creek railroad berm. The railroad berm is oriented perpendicular to the overland drainage flow pattern of Allen Creek and causes the floodplain depth in this area of the City to be as deep as 10 feet.
In December of 2013, the City and its consultant, OHM Advisors, completed a feasibility study to determine if it was possible to create openings in the railroad berm to accommodate passage of floodwaters, as well as to allow pedestrians to cross safely under the railroad to get to the park facilities to the north. The study determined that such a dual opening would be feasible and a preferred concept ...
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