Resolution to Approve a Purchase Order to The Ultimate Kronos Group (UKG), Inc for a Learning and Development Management Module within the UKG HRIS System FY2023 - FY2025 ($110,462.00) (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your review and action is a resolution approving an Amendment to the City's Software Contract with The Ultimate Kronos Group (UKG) to add the UKG Learn module to the City's current contract in the amount of $100,420.00 plus a 10% contingency ($10,042.00) to account for potential increases in FTEs for a total of $110,462.00.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: The FY2023 portion of $10,420.00 will be paid from the Information Technology Services Unit fund balance. The remaining $90,000.00 is anticipated to be budgeted for in the FY2024 and FY2025 Information Technology budget.
The following costs are estimated to begin the Learning and Development Management Module within UKG during FY 23:
FY 2023:
Base Launch Fee $5,250.00
Excess User Fee* $1,420.00
License Cost** $3,750.00
Total: $10,420.00
*The "Launch Quantity: in the quote was 1,007, we are charged $10.00 for all licenses in excess of 10% of that counts: 1,250-1108=142
**1,250 Users *$3/User*1 Month
It is estimated that an average of 1,250 full-time, part-time and temporary employees will utilize this program each month with a cost of $3 per user making the annual costs in FY 24 and FY 25 an estimated maximum cost of $45,000.00. UKG will only bill the City for the actual number of employees using the program per month.
FY 2024/FY 2025:
License Cost: $45,000.00 (1,250 *$3 per user per Month* 12 Months)
Total through FY 2025: $100,420.00
In recent years, the City's relationship with The Ultimate Kronos Group has been expanded to include: Onboarding (resolution #19-2412); Support for the Affordable Care Act (resolution #19-0072); and Support for the City's retiree population (resolution #18-1640).
The proposed amendment for UKG Learn will allow users to create training materials...
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