Resolution to Approve Contracts for the Rotary Club of Ann Arbor Universal Access Playground at Gallup Park with Penchura for Fabrication and Supply of the Playground Equipment ($391,577.00), and with Michigan Recreational Construction, Inc.for Installation of Equipment and Associated Site Work ($547,756.31), Appropriate Funds, and Amend the Project Budget for Construction (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your review and action is a resolution to approve two contracts for the Rotary Club of Ann Arbor Universal Access Playground; one for the supply of playground equipment and park furniture, and the other to install the equipment and perform site work, including pathways, docks, and safety surfacing; and to appropriate funds and amend the project budget.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: The budget previously established in the Parks Maintenance and Capital Improvements Millage for the purpose of design work and accepting grants was $559,166.64 ($300,000.00 from a Michigan Department of Natural Resources grant and $259,166.64 from the Parks Maintenance and Capital Improvements Millage). The Rotary Club of Ann Arbor has raised additional funds in the amount of $550,000.00 for this project. An appropriation of additional funding in the amount of $550,000 is being requested to and amendment of the project budget previously established in the Parks Maintenance and Capital Improvements Millage for a new total amount of $1,109,166.64.
In August, 2015, the City solicited proposals from playground manufacturers to provide detailed design services towards fabricating custom playground equipment for this project. The companies were asked to provide design development and preliminary engineering of custom playground equipment, guidance on barrier free accessible equipment and how the equipment will meet goals of universal accessibility, and detailed cost estimates. Penchura was chosen to perform this work, and their equipment was specified for this project, with th...
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