Resolution to Authorize Professional Services Agreements with Stantec Consulting Michigan, Inc. ($200,000.00); Alfred Benesch and Company ($175,000.00); Perimeter Engineering, LLC, ($150,000.00); and OHM Advisors, Inc. ($175,000.00) for General Construction Inspection Services
We recommend your approval of the attached resolution authorizing Professional Services Agreements with Stantec Consulting Michigan, Inc. ($200,000.00); Alfred Benesch and Company ($175,000.00); Perimeter Engineering, LLC, ($150,000.00); and OHM Advisors, Inc. ($175,000.00) for General Construction Inspection Services (RFP-957) for General Construction Inspection Services.
The Project Management Services Unit (PMSU) provides inspection for construction of capital projects and private development projects within the City's right-of-way. The construction inspector's tasks include oversight of contractor activities, enforcement of construction standards (e.g., materials and methods), and measurement of pay item quantities. These tasks are critical to the success of any construction project.
Due to the fluctuation of construction activity throughout the year (light in the winter and heavy in the summer), the level of staffing within PMSU must often be supplemented in the warmer months to provide sufficient inspection for all of the planned projects. Based on the number of planned capital projects and anticipated volume of private development, PMSU is expecting a need for additional inspectors to help cover all of the construction activities.
In December 2015, a Request For Proposals (RFP-957) for Construction Inspection Services was issued, and proposals from six consulting firms were received on January 22, 2016. A team of staff members reviewed all of the proposals and narrowed the selection to five consulting firms whose fee quotations were opened and evaluated. Based on their professional qualifications, past experience with the City, available resources, and ...
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