Resolution to Approve Professional Services Agreements with Fishbeck for $500,000.00, Stantec Consulting Michigan Inc. for $500,000.00, and Tetra Tech of Michigan, PC for $500,000.00 for Water Treatment Professional Engineering Services, ($1,500,000.00) (RFP #20-18)
This memorandum and resolution requests approval of Professional Services Agreements for technical engineering services with Fishbeck for $500,000.00, Stantec Consulting Michigan Inc. (Stantec) for $500,000.00, and Tetra Tech of Michigan, PC (Tetra Tech) for $500,000.00 through FY23 for Professional Engineering Services to be performed on an as-needed basis.
The City, through the Water Treatment Services Unit (WTSU), is responsible for planning, budgeting, executing and managing construction on a wide array of capital improvement, operation and maintenance projects at the WTSU facilities. These facilities include the Water Treatment Plant, water storage and pumping facilities, as well as two recreational dams and 2 hydroelectric dams.
In February 2020, the City issued Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 20-18 for professional engineering services to supplement and support the WTSU during high demand periods. The three engineering contracts will be used when additional support is needed to maintain the aggressive schedules and heavy workload associated with capital, operation, and maintenance projects, as well as to provide on-site and on-call engineering assistance for the Water System, dams, and hydroelectric generating stations. Each of the contracts shall be structured with not-to-exceed limits of $500,000.00 with no minimum required expenditures. Making use of these firms on an ongoing basis will permit the WTSU to more effectively utilize the existing workforce, while continuing to deliver quality and cost-effective engineering services to maintain the City's water supply.
On March 17, 2020, the City received five (5) proposal for this work. The RFP required each consultant to ...
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